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Launch of the DNDN Toolkit

The Disabled NHS Directors Network (DNDN) would like to introduce a good practice guide for improving the recruitment and retention […]

Shadow Minister for Disabled People meets DNDN members

Following the attendance by the Minister for Disabled People at a meeting in July, DNDN was grateful to Vicky Foxcroft for joining members for a discussion about her campaigning on behalf of disabled people and developing policy for a potential Labour government.

DNDN Co-chair challenges NHS Trusts to become visibly disabled friendly at NHS Providers Conference

Speaking at the NHS Providers Annual Conference, DNDN co-chair Peter Reading challenged NHS leaders to become “visibly disabled friendly”.

DNDN members address King’s Fund annual conference on disability

DNDN members Fazilet Hadi and Tom Hayhoe addressed the King’s Fund annual conference, speaking about disability following the publication of the King’s Fund report

Encouraging CQC to recognise contribution of disabled staff to delivery of patient care

Continuing its work reaching out to movers and shakers in the NHS, the DNDN invited Ian Trenholm, chief executive of the Care Quality Commission to a Network meeting.

DNDN co-founder celebrates London Calibre Leadership programme

DNDN was thrilled to be invited to help celebrate the London NHS Calibre Leadership programme by providing a disabled NHS leader to present graduation certificates to recent participants in the course delivered to NHS staff.

Lord Holmes’s contribution to creation of DNDN recognised

Former Paralympian Chris Holmes, elevated to the House of Lords in 2013, provided an important spur to the creation of the DNDN when he undertook a review in 2018 of the involvement of disabled people in public sector governance. 

Meeting with NHSE board disability champion

Julian Kelly is the disability champion on the NHS board and took a short break from his primary role as […]

HPMA publishes DNDN co-founder’s article on addressing the NHS staff disability gap

The Healthcare People Management Association has published an article by Tom Hayhoe, a founder member of the DNDN, in its […]

Disabilities Minister addresses DNDN members

Chloe Smith, Minister of State for Disabled People, Work and Health, addressed a meeting of the Disabled NHS Directors Network […]

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